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Tag: sock yarn

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

Critical Sheep is on Ravelry! 

Screen Shot 2016-07-15 at 8.08.28 PMNow when you want to start a project with D4 Fingering, you can add the yarn and colorway to your project page! When you upload a picture of your skeins, you might just make it to the featured photos!

We’re working on new colorways!

Including speckles! You’ve already seen BloodRaven and Phantasm, but there are more combinations of beautiful speckled yarns to come. Naming these beautiful yarns is the hard part!

More Memes!

AEther1If you follow us on social media, you’ll see these fun one-liners posted on the regular. Our Social Media guru is working on these right now and we’ll have a fun new batch for you very soon! Don’t follow us on social media yet? What are you waiting for? Check us out! FacebookTwitterInstagram.

That’s all for this weeks’ Yarn Clippings! See you next week when we’ll be talking about patterns and kits coming soon to a mailbox and queue near you!

Welcome to the flock!

Welcome to the flock!

Critical Sheep is about one nerd making her own mark on the knitting world.

When creator Amanda decided it would be a good idea to start hand-dyeing yarn in her Waukesha apartment kitchen and selling patterns on Ravelry, it seemed like it would be a bit of a disaster. Happily, things came together well enough and here we are! With a little bit of business advice and a lot of experience in Marketing and Advertising, Critical Sheep was born.

We are now open!

Visit my shop on Etsy to see what brilliant colors are now available, and watch for a sneak-peek at the colors coming up in the next shop update!

About Amanda:

I’m a nerd, knitter and lover of everything that has to do with sheep. If I could live in the country with a big farmhouse with a herd of sheep and spend my days knitting, spinning, cooking and making a warm and loving home, I would be so happy with my life. I live in Waukesha and love filling my time with yarnie goodness. I am married to an equally nerdy man and we spend our Saturday nights playing video games.

I’m looking forward to the loveliness that is my future endeavors. I’m working on so many things but first and foremost: Research and Development.

In the meantime, please keep an eye out on the blog for more information and on Ravelry for patterns available for purchase.  If you’d like to start receiving emails from me on a regular basis, please go here to fill out the form and you’ll start receiving emails soon!

Happy Knitting, everyone. I’m so excited to see where this adventure takes me!